Knowledge center

This section has the webinars we have organized, either from the cluster or from the partner institutions. They cover aspects linked to the challenges of SDG 3.


The Mental Health Crisis: building resilience in a changing world

On May 23, 2023, the WHO announced that the COVID pandemic is no longer a health emergency. It has however left many challenges that countries are now dealing with, one of them being the increase of mental health issues. Current health systems are having trouble matching the increase in demand related to mental health. Addressing mental health issues as they arise, and preventive measures are key to improving mental health at university and in society, and to avoiding more severe cases.  What lessons can be learned more generally from that experience around how to cope with uncertainty and a rapidly changing environment?

E-health tools can serve as a mechanism to reduce the burden on health systems. A plethora of applications have been launched to support individuals dealing with mental issues and online therapy is on the rise. What has worked, and what have been some of the hurdles in development and uptake? 


Exploring the nexus between health, equity, and gender

Equity in health looks at the factors that might affect equity and equal access and outcomes to health, to ensure that everyone can lead healthy lives and realise their full potential. This webinar will explore some of these factors based on current research, anchoring them in their specific geographical contexts, and ignite areas for further exploration. 

Speakers will begin by setting the context looking at inequity and health more widely and providing an overview of their specific area of work and expertise. They will then explore gender inequity more specifically. They will finally look at how e-health, as an emerging mechanism of delivery is affecting equity more widely, and gender equity more specifically. 


Webinar 2020 “Higher education under examination: are we ready to train the future healthcare workforce?”

The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has forced us to rethink our economic and health system to make it more sustainable and better adapted to the challenges of the 2030 Agenda. Higher education institutions, knowledge generators and trainers of healthcare professionals have a fundamental role to play.

What are the challenges and changes facing these institutions in offering healthcare professionals adequate training given the current situation? To answer this and other questions, the SDG 3 cluster will bring together experts from all the continents to share opinions and strategies seeking to foster sustainable development in health and well-being in higher education.